What age ranges do you teach?
I teach students as young as 6, and I've taught students well into their 60's. I am very flexible, and happy to teach willing, interested students of almost any age.

What styles/genres of music do you teach?
My formal training is in classical music, and I have specialist knowledge in that area. However, I am comfortable with a broad range of styles including pop, rock, metal, soul, country, music theater, CCM, and more! I think that expression can be meaningful in any genre, and to that end, I believe technical and artistic excellence can help performers be healthier, happier, and stronger in any style of music they perform.

What skill levels do you teach?
I teach any level of voice skill from absolute novice to early professional. As a voice teacher, I almost always hear the question: "Can you teach a tone-deaf person to sing?" and the answer is "Usually, yes!". I am happy to take students who want to develop basic auditory-phonatory cognitive skills and learn to match pitch and learn the absolute fundamentals of singing. I am also happy to jump deep into advanced skill sets that become necessary to professionals when students are ready for them!

As a piano teacher, I offer instruction with the Faber Method, Primer level all the way to level 5. Once the student graduates from the Faber Method, I offer instruction with chart reading, playing by ear skills, and commercial music, but I do not offer advanced classical piano repertoire beyond that point.

Do you offer remote lessons?
Absolutely! Depending on my health and/or student health, trips that I need to take to perform throughout the year, or other extenuating circumstances, I am pleased to offer high quality remote lessons either as a regular lesson format, or on an as-needed basis. I teach students either through Zoom, or through Google Meet depending upon student preference.